
Albatross movie screening

Organised by Stichting Otherwise Wageningen

Thu 16 April 2020 20:00 to 22:00

--- Online event ---
#3 Inner Sustainability Series: Albatross movie screening

Albatross is a powerfully moving story that brings viewers together into a shared space of connection and reverence. The movie depicts the issue of ocean plastic pollution and the effects on an Albatross population. This event is part of a series on Inner Sustainability, which is about how we can relate to the world in a constructive way. How do we take care of our own inner sustainability with all the negative information that is available to us? During the check-ins on zoom we will talk with you about dealing with pain and beauty of life on this planet in times of urgency. Also considering the current corona crisis, this has become highly relevant.

Prior to watching it together (at home), we will have a check-in, starting at 20:00 via the link posted below. After watching the documentary, we will again check-in on zoom together to discuss the film and share our thoughts. During he check-ins we will dive into the topic of inner sustainability with you online.

On the documentary:
The journey of ALBATROSS began in 2008 as a collaboration with the director Chris Jordan and activist/photographer Manuel Maqueda. Studying the newly-emerging issue of ocean plastic pollution, they learned of a stunning environmental tragedy taking place on a tiny atoll in the center of the vast North Pacific Ocean. They immediately began planning an expedition there, and on their first trip to Midway Island in September of 2009, they photographed and filmed thousands of young albatrosses that lay dead on the ground, their stomachs filled with plastic. The experience was devastating, not only for what it meant for the suffering of the birds, but also for what it reflected back about the destructive power of our culture of mass consumption, and humanity's damaged relationship with the living world.

Join Zoom Meeting via this link: https://zoom.us/j/9685125776

Or type in the meeting ID on Zoom: 968 512 5776

For updates, follow the event on Facebook:

This event is a part of an online series on Inner Sustainability:

2 April   - 20:00-22:00 - The work that reconnects - Docu screening
16 April - 20:00-22:00 - Albatross movie screening
30 April - 20:00-22:00 - Inner Sustainability Talk - Interview session

Each event is followed by an online workshop in the weekend:

5 April   - 14:00-17:00 - Nature connection - Sit spot practice
19 April - 14:00-17:00 - Nature connection - Sit spot practice
3 May   - 14:00-17:00 - Nature connection - Sit spot practice

Follow Inner Sustainability or OtherWise Wageningen to keep updated about the events


iWEEK 2020: "A journey from I to We"

In July 2020 OtherWise organises the iWEEK, an interactive summer school on (re)connection. It is a full-week experience to explore inner sustainability and leadership in the context of major societal and environmental challenges of our time. We actively hope the iWEEK can take place this year, considering the regulations around the corona virus. For now we do not think cancellation is necessary, we will follow the development of the situation with care.


What is Inner Sustainability?

Sustainability is oftentimes discussed within the realm of technological solutions, policy measures or innovations. This could be called the 'outside' of sustainability. However there is also a growing awareness that at the base we are intricately connected to all life. This could be called the 'inside' of sustainability. When the awareness of this interconnectedness is not experienced, this can give feelings of isolation, disconnectedness and a loss of respect for other lives, including natural environment. As long as other people and other life forms are recognized as part of a whole that we all belong to, it becomes very difficult to do harm to another being. When this connectedness is experienced consciously, decisions are made differently than when we presume to be on our own. This embodied sense of sustainability and interconnectedness is what we call 'Inner Sustainability'.