
Ecovillages: Beyond Stereotypes - In Conclusion

At this event we will look back at the previous events and discussions. We will return to the central question of the project, which is to consider eco-communities as spaces of experimentation of social innovation and environmental resilience. We will see also if we can come up with any conclusions and further research questions and a research team to undertake this challenge!

Organised by Stichting Otherwise Wageningen

Mon 24 April 2017 19:30 to 21:00

Venue Forum, building number 102
Droevendaalsesteeg 2
6708 PB Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 482160

Inspired by many questions and driven by an urge to contribute to a better world, we aim to organize a series of events around the theme of ‘eco-communities’. During these events we want to explore the world of eco-communities. The aim is to find out more about the potential of such communities to experiment with social innovations and resilience practices.

At this event we will look back at the previous events and discussions (Check out our website or Facebook for more information on the other events!). We will return to the central question of the project, which is to consider eco-communities as spaces of experimentation of social innovation and environmental resilience. We will see also if we can come up with any conclusions and further research questions and a research team to undertake this challenge!

The program is constructed as a research endeavor where we focus on several subthemes that come to mind when thinking about ecocommunities from the perspective of social innovation and environmental resilience.

If the program proves succesful we will continue to facilitate more activities that focus on eco communities and transition to a more sustainable society.

The program for the evening will be:

- An introduction and summary of the major themes
- An interactive discussion
- A summary of the program of the past events
- Some notes about the state of research on ecovillages

This event will take place at the FORUM Building in room C104 of the WUR university (on campus) and the event will take place in English
